
Criminology Syllabus Css
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Criminology Syllabus Css Free CSS Exam

UGC NET Solved Question Papers in Criminology - Free CSS Exam Criminology Past Papers of are available here. Definition, meaning and scope of criminology Criminology and criminal law Crime as. Understanding Criminology. Basic concepts used in understanding crime, criminality and criminal behaviour. CSS Criminology Syllabus, Past Papers CSS CRIMINOLOGY PAST PAPERS.

If you want to appear in this Exam and looking. The site helps aspirants in their studies by providing recommended booksFederal Public Services Commission of Pakistan (FPSC) has announced new CSS Syllabus for 2018 for those who want to attempt in this competitive exam. The CSS Books is an Open Digital Library and a Knowledge-Hub for different exams and tests held under Federal and Provincial Service Commissions. Individual: Sociability or the sociality of man.The Oxford Handbook of Criminology by Mike Maguire, Rod Morgan, Robert Reiner This site The CSS Books, is fully dedicated to CSS, PMS and other competitive examinations.

Community meaning and characteristics. Society: Meaning and characteristics. Multiculturalism, assimilation, and acculturation. Ethnocentrism and xenocentrism, Cultural lag, High culture and popular culture.

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Issues of technical/vocational training, Deviance and street crime, Unemployment, illiteracy and School drop out, Smuggling, Prostitution, Poverty, Drug Addiction, Child Labour and Abuse, Bonded Labour, Social customs and Traditions affecting Women in Pakistan, Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence, Issues concerning the Elderly in Pakistan. Social Problems in Pakistan: High population growth rate, Rural-urban migration. Social Institutions: The nature and genesis of institutions, The process of institutionalization, Functions of Social Institutions: Family, Religion, Education, Economy and Politics.

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